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 - Treat all attendees, guests, volunteers, hotel staff, vendors & artists with respect. If you believe you have witnessed or experienced harassment of some kind, please contact someone immediately

 - Cosplay is not Consent. Sexual Harassment WILL NOT be tolerated at Retro South and will result in immediate expulsion from the event. 

 - No outside food is permitted within the Delta Hotels Convention Center

 - Animals are not permitted within the convention area unless they are an ADA working animal with proper verification

 - Roller skates, bicycles, roller blades, skateboards, electric scooters, Segway's, wheel shoes or any transportation devices are not permitted




 - Shoes must be worn at all times, at minimum you must wear flip flops. ​​

 - Underwear is not clothing and cannot be worn alone

 - Clothing with profanity or vulgar imagery is not permitted

 - Costumes (Cosplay) & clothing in general must cover private areas of your body


Violators will be given the opportunity to conform their outfit to convention standards. Repeat violations may lead to expulsion from the event. 




 - No real weapon props or replicas are permitted to include but not limited to: Bladed weapons (Swords, knives, axes, etc.), Firearms, Crosswbows, Bows, Slingshots, Staves, Walking Sticks

 - Weapon props will not be swung or used in a threatening manner 

 - Weapon props with projectiles will not be fired in public places or within the venue

 - If your costume contains bulky or over-sized objects, be aware of your surroundings or use a handler (Another attendee who can help guide you through crowds)

 - Any props or costumes that produce sound (have built in or external speakers) are fine but the volume must be kept to a minimum. 


All attendees are required to comply with requests made by Convention staff, Hotel staff & Local Law Enforcement about their props or costumes to ensure they are safe and permitted at the convention


Safety is our top priority at Retro South. We want to ensure that all attendees, guests, vendors, artists & staff have an enjoyable time. Please follow the rules posted above and listen to the requests made by Convention & Hotel Staff. We appreciate you spending time at our convention and simply ask that you make it a fun and safe experience for everyone. 

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